A week ago today, we were leaving the Sensual Alchemy retreat in Spain, and I still find it difficult to find the words to describe what we experienced there.

Today I want to talk to you about the profound level of healing that occurs when women gather, support, and sustain each other. That sisterhood so strong and powerful, from which we have been disconnected for centuries, has an immense transformative power.

When women unite, we are incredibly strong. For a long time, it has been convenient for society to keep us separated, filled with envy, competition, and comparison. But when we break those barriers and meet in a space of love and mutual support, something magical happens.

That's why, in this blog, I want to share with you the 4 elements of feminine healing. I refer to holistic healing that encompasses all your bodies: physical, energetic, mental, spiritual, and emotional.

Everything is interconnected in our system.

As always, if you read until the end, you will find the 20% discount code on the star product of the week, with which we have done many practices during the retreat and which has been one of the tools with which women like you have achieved:

  • New types of 0rg4sms
  • 0rg4sms for the first time in 20 years
  • Activation of the cl1t0r¡s and the G spot
  • Energetic pl34sur3 and 0rg4sms throughout the body
  • Expansion of the heart, love, and fulfillment



As with everything in life, this is not a requirement. If you were alone in the middle of the forest and wanted to work on your healing, you could do it. But let's be realistic... If you are reading this, you probably don't live in the forest. Most likely, you live in a town or city, surrounded by family, friends, and coworkers who don't understand your need to seek something more, to want more from life. They don't understand that question you have in your heart:

"Is everything here? Is life really just this?"

When you try to bring a little more depth to conversations, break out of the molds, labels, and boxes in which 99% of people are, you feel isolated, rejected, and alone. Then, you question that search of yours, put it aside, and continue living in the matrix with everyone else.

There is nothing wrong with this; we are social beings and need our tribe.

How would you feel if I told you that there is a group (actually, more than one group) of women like you, who want more from life, who want to feel alive, fulfilled, satisfied, and in harmony? Women who seek everything you also yearn for.

How would you feel if there were a space where you can achieve all that and, moreover, learn to have enough confidence and confirmation that everything you dream of, and that your intuition tells you is available to you, really exists? And with that security and confidence, be the one who ends up transforming your environment and the people around you.

Maybe you don't believe it... it's okay, I was also skeptical and didn't remotely think I could be the leader of such a large movement as the one that is forming today.

The important thing here is to understand that you are the result of the people you spend the most time with. Therefore, if you want that life of connection with life, your body, and your s3ns-u4lity, feeling free, confident, fulfilled, and satisfied, it is essential to be surrounded by women and people who seek the same. Because although it is simple, it is not easy to go against the current in a society that constantly seeks to make you feel small, disconnected, and insecure.



Maybe it's a bit of a cliché, but do you know what’s interesting about clichés? They are, until you bring that information or concept to the body. Once you integrate them, they regain the strength and power they originally had.

Your mentality is at the base of everything, as there is no healing where there is no questioning and doubting everything you think you know. Especially when we talk about female s3xuality. The amount of lies, repressions, taboos, and insecurities that have been instilled in us about our bodies and s3xuality is infinite, and it takes a lot of courage, bravery, and a pinch of rebellion to challenge all this.

Because yes, you can heal your physical body, superficially cleanse your uterus, and even achieve 0rg4sms... but if you don't transform what is generating your symptoms, they will continue to return, blocking you and not allowing you to move forward.

Working on those beliefs is fundamental. Your thoughts generate emotions, your emotions guide the actions you take in life, which generate habits, and the habits you have define who you are as a person.

Transforming your way of thinking is transforming your life! And I'm not talking about positive affirmations put on an audio on Spotify every morning (although that can help), you need to go to the bottom of your belief system, understand the 3 levels that form them (collective, ancestral, and personal) and take each bull by the horns.

That’s why at the School of Pleasure and in Carol Arnelas's programs, we work deeply with personalized support and practices to delve into your beliefs and start the transformation from the roots.

Pay close attention to your thoughts, learn to know your mind, and that will give you a very clear and defined clue about where you need to go for your healing work.



Something that almost all women encounter on their healing journey is the lack of motivation and commitment.

Well, it not only applies to the spiritual and healing path but to every area of your life, right?

We have been sold the idea that motivation is the engine to make things happen, a successful career, a healthy body, an exciting and thrilling s3x life...

Well, here I come to break that belief.

Motivation will fail you most of the time, so if you base all your impulses on feeling that kind of power to take challenging actions and decisions, you will find yourself giving up time and time again.

Healing your uterus, your body, and your relationship with yourself is a roller coaster, so learning to trust in something bigger than yourself is key.

Women are all connected, womb to womb, heart to heart. On the days when you don't feel like doing your practices, in those moments when you feel like throwing in the towel and giving up, having very clear that there is a bigger purpose is essential.

Because it’s no longer just about you... and we all know very well, that it is much easier for us to do things with and for others than for ourselves... So why not use it to our advantage?

When you realize that your actions have a butterfly effect around you, something much bigger than you can imagine opens up. You begin to feel the connection with the universe, with everything that exists, and you realize that, although each one is on their own path, all souls are connected by a purpose of human evolution much greater than our singular life.

Don’t you think it’s something beautiful to believe in and that can be a source of fuel for those days when you feel that motivation is not with you?



Although in Western science and medicine these two are separated and rarely observed as complementary to each other, the reality is that our physical body retains emotions, and our emotions are generated by the habit of our physical body. Although today we will not go into the details of the neural patterns that cause your body to generate the same hormonal impulses repeatedly to generate those emotions you are accustomed to and familiar with, it is an important concept in what we are addressing today.

On many occasions, women come to me saying that they don’t know why they keep feeling the same way over and over again, no matter how many circumstances have changed in their life and the world around them.

These memories are very stored in the depths of our body... and do you know which is the deepest space a woman has?

Yes, you guessed it... It's your WOMB.

That’s why in Carol Arnelas's retreats and programs, we work in-depth with techniques of v4g¡n4l dearmouring and emotional release so that we can free ourselves from all those unconscious and automatic patterns we generate in our lives due to a record (very well kept) of the emotions we have felt in our early years of life and through s3xual contact with past lovers.

When you cleanse your uterus of all that energy, you reset your entire nervous system. We have received comments from almost all the women who attended the retreat on how those practices and experiences have marked a before and after in their lives.

Our tool par excellence to reset our nervous system and start “from scratch” is the straight Black Obsidian wand.

That wand allows us to massage the entire g3nital area, from the groin, the lips, and the entire external part of your yoni, to the v4g¡nal canal.

This practice can open the doors to your new life as it helps you to:

Release memories of past emotions Re sensitize your internal and external muscles to take your pl3asur3 to levels never thought before Help solve problems of v4g¡nism, dyspareunia, v4g¡nit!s and with patience, enjoy s3x again, cut ties and free yourself from past lovers' energies Liberate your uterus from ancestral beliefs and burdens that do not belong to you ...and much, much more.

Are you ready to start your healing journey?


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With love and much, much pl3asure,

The Yoni Samsara Team